Thursday, March 15, 2012

Getting some answers

Today I went to see Brody with his Nana, Adam's mom. When we got there, Brody was sleeping as usual and looked good. Still a little puffy but not bad. One hand was being held down by his blanket (I'm guessing he tried pulling on some tubes) and his other hand was holding on to the wire connected to his thermometer. Apparently I woke him up by touching him too much. He started to squirm and got a little "agitated" (as the nurse said) so the nurse gave him some pain meds and he went back to sleep. Brody's feedings have been increased to 5ml/hr and he is still breathing room air (21% Oxygen). The docs continue to decrease the settings on the ventilator so I am hopefully they can remove it within the next few days.

Dr. Elmore (urologist) and Dr. Jernigan (nephrologist) came to speak to me at the same time...minutes before I was about to leave.  Dr. Elmore explained to me that the test they did yesterday showed no leaks from the catheters in his abdomen and no malformation in his bladder or urethra. Although his bladder is very small since it never filled with urine while developing. The tests also showed that both kidneys are Multicystic Dysplastic Kidneys (MCDK)...usually if a baby is born with MCDK they have at least one working kidney. The cyst on the left kidney is continually filling up with fluid although it's not a waste product like's more or less water...and might have to be surgically removed. Dr. Jernigan said his Potassium is still good and his BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) and Creatinine levels are still within range although they are rising. She said they will most likely begin dialysis tomorrow morning at about 30cc's (a very low dose). To be on a dialysis machine Brody has to be a certain weight and he has to be up to 60cc's so until then, dialysis will be done manually.

I asked Dr. Jernigan if she could estimate about how long Brody would be in the NICU. I asked, "I know there are a lot of factors but are we talking several weeks or several months?"  She said most NICU babies are there until at least their due date (so we're talking mid-April) and he has to be breathing on his own, eating without a tube, and on the dialysis machine. Adam and I will have to have several days of training at Egleston on how to work the machine. I also think I should get another degree after all this. HAHA.

I have to say, I didn't get the great news I was hoping for today (lucky number 3), but I think a little stress has been lifted now that I have some more answers as to what is going on and what is going to happen.

And I got my kiss :)


  1. Girl>>>I was doing good until you wrote, "I got my kiss"! Then i lost it! I can't imagine how it must feel to leave that hospital everyday and go home with out that sweet baby boy!! To not be able to kiss his face, fingers, toes and every other inch of him all day not get to hold him everytime you see him! My heart hurts for you. You are such a stong women and a inspirtion to me. I will be so excited for you when the day comes when you can bring him home!! Love you!

    1. Abby-Somehow your comment felt like a you too. And there will definitely be a celebration of great magnitude the day he comes home!! :)

      Amy-Thank you so much! ...and you can't go wrong with banana bread. Adam told me you have some waiting for me :) ...It will make a great midnight snack right about now, haha!

      Jenny- I love your new word. I'm adding that to my vocabulary, lol. I'm glad people are interested in my blog...I very soon plan to write a post all about how Periteneal Dialysis will be very biology lesson-ish. I'll have an unofficial, partial, nursing degree when all this is over and done with. ...Brody can't wait to see you either...and he might not know it but he can't wait to see Kody :) I've told him all about his big brother and older cousins and how he's even going to have a couple younger cousins very soon that he's going to have to look after, heehee :) Love you!

  2. Could not have worded things better than Abby, so will have to say "ditto." Keeping all four of you, the doctors and caregivers in lots of prayers...and will try my best to keep you in banana bread!

    1. Abby-Somehow your comment felt like a you too. And there will definitely be a celebration of great magnitude the day he comes home!! :)

      Amy-Thank you so much! ...and you can't go wrong with banana bread. Adam told me you have some waiting for me :) ...It will make a great midnight snack right about now, haha!

      Jenny- I love your new word. I'm adding that to my vocabulary, lol. I'm glad people are interested in my blog...I very soon plan to write a post all about how Periteneal Dialysis will be very biology lesson-ish. I'll have an unofficial, partial, nursing degree when all this is over and done with. ...Brody can't wait to see you either...and he might not know it but he can't wait to see Kody :) I've told him all about his big brother and older cousins and how he's even going to have a couple younger cousins very soon that he's going to have to look after, heehee :) Love you!

  3. I'll "tritto" that. HaHa, you didn't know that was a word did you? Heather, ya'll don't know how many hearts you have touched. I have shared your blog with faculty hear at school since Adam is an alumnus and they are "captivated" by your story. I have to read your blogs during planning or after school, cause I can't hold back the tears...and I don't cry!! I can't wait 'till I can see him again. Love ya'll!

    1. Abby-Somehow your comment felt like a you too. And there will definitely be a celebration of great magnitude the day he comes home!! :)

      Amy-Thank you so much! ...and you can't go wrong with banana bread. Adam told me you have some waiting for me :) ...It will make a great midnight snack right about now, haha!

      Jenny- I love your new word. I'm adding that to my vocabulary, lol. I'm glad people are interested in my blog...I very soon plan to write a post all about how Periteneal Dialysis will be very biology lesson-ish. I'll have an unofficial, partial, nursing degree when all this is over and done with. ...Brody can't wait to see you either...and he might not know it but he can't wait to see Kody :) I've told him all about his big brother and older cousins and how he's even going to have a couple younger cousins very soon that he's going to have to look after, heehee :) Love you!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
