Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Brody's Grand Entrance

So I had mentally prepared myself to be in the hospital several more weeks. ...But I guess Brody had different plans. At about 2:30am on 3/11/12 I started to have very painful contractions. Now contractions were nothing new to me in this pregnancy but for the first time they actually hurt. Adam and Ryder were spending the night with me in the hospital so Adam called the nurse who then hooked me up to the monitor. After determining I was in active labor, I was given an IV and they started me on fluids and an antibiotic in case I needed to have a c-section. I dilated from 1cm to 9cm in about 2 hours so this was proving to be a very short labor just like I had with Ryder. I was able to have a natural birth (as opposed to the c-section I was told I would have to have) which I am so thankful for because I really didn't feel like having a long recovery knowing what I was going to be facing with Brody's health.

Brody was born at 9:43am on 3/11/12 with the cord wrapped around his neck twice. He weighed 5 pounds and 14 ounces. A healthy weight, especially since he was 6 weeks early! And he was 18.5 inches long...he's got those Johnson genes for sure! :)  ...He was immediately placed on a ventilator and taken upstairs to the NICU. Adam was able to to with him while the doctor finished up with me.  Here are his first two pictures...notice his large abdomen from the enlarged kidney. :(

Thankfully my mom and Adam's family were all able to get to the hospital and see Brody as well. Unfortunately Ryder was only able to see Brody through a window in the NICU which made Ryder very upset.  He is such a good big brother and loves Brody so much. He is constantly asking to see Brody and play with him too.  He even asks to say his prayers for Brody every night (something he's done since we found out, back in January, about his kidneys).

Later that evening I was able to go to the NICU and even got to hold Brody. One of the best moments of my life. How I wish I could have held him longer and be free from all those tubes and wires. But I know it will all be worth it and I'll be able to hold him again very soon. Let me just go ahead and add that the doctors and nurses at Northside were amazing. They made sure Adam and I knew exactly what was going on with Brody (and myself). Here are a few more pictures of our short time in the Northside NICU...

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