Thursday, March 20, 2014

Living Donor Evaluation

From the very beginning, I have hoped and prayed that I would be not only a perfect match for Brody but also healthy enough to give up an organ.  I would give my life for my child (what parent wouldn't) so I most certainly can "share my spare" without hesitation. We had to wait for authorization from our insurance company, and wait for Brody to gain most of his weight but finally on August 13th, 2013 we were able to begin the evaluation process.  We met with one of Brody's transplant surgeons, a social worker, a psychologist, his nephrologist, a pharmacist, a child life specialist, a financial coordinator, his nutritionist, and his transplant coordinator. Brody also got ANOTHER ultrasound done (I have come to fear ultrasounds). Adam's sister, Abby, selflessly got tested the same day, along with me, to see if she was a match to donate. A few days later we found out that the initial blood tests showed we were BOTH a match for Brody! CHOA sent over my donor packet to Emory for further testing with plans to move on to Abby if something showed that wouldn't allow me to donate.

Brody learned to walk, began speech therapy, started hemodialysis, and the holidays came and went. He gained weight, he lost weight, and had a few surgeries in between.

On December 30th, 2013 I completed a 24 hour urine test (its a glamorous life, people) and more blood work. I passed those tests so an evaluation day was scheduled for January 28th, 2014 at Emory.  I had more blood tests and an EKG done. I talked to a living donor advocate, another social worker, another financial counselor, another psychiatrist, another nephrologist, and one of my transplant surgeons. I was suppose to have a chest x-ray and a CT scan that day as well but it started snowing, the news was reporting the traffic getting worse and worse, and I kept seeing facebook posts about people getting stranded and walking home, so I decided to leave the evaluation early. I don't know how but thankfully it only took me 3 hours to get home.

I went back for my chest x-ray and CT scan on February 11th. Funny. It snowed again that day...we live in GEORGIA. But the snow held off until we left the hospital. A week and a half later on February 20th, I got the call.  PHEW!! After six months of tests and waiting and more tests but mostly waiting I have been approved to donate my kidney!!

So now we continue to wait. haha. But we wait with a kidney ready to go! :)

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