Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rough Start

2013. What can I say about 2013? Well, just in the month of January we visited the pediatricians office 7 times, made 3 trips to the ER, had 2 routine lab appointments, got 1 X-ray, and was admitted to the hospital for an overnight stay. But who's counting?

It started around Christmas with a monstrous bug that plagued both boys and left Brody wheezing and coughing and in need of breathing treatments for several weeks. It turned into pneumonia and about the time he started feeling better his nephrostomy tube decided to abort ship. That's been a fun ride. The surgeon does not want to replace the tube because of the large amount of scar tissue in his kidney. Keep in mind this is the only way urine can leave his body. So we are using catheters/feeding tubes that we have to place in his side ourselves and replace every few days until further notice. And even though he went through a really weird few weeks of refusing his bottle (he would only drink on avg. 1.5oz at a time) and throwing up a lot (when your kidneys don't perform normally you can feel nauseous because your body is not eliminating waste product like it should), Brody's lab work has actually looked really good lately. He's been struggling with the weight gain since November...actually lost a little weight...but *knock on wood* *fingers crossed* *praying on bent knees* he actually seems hungry and eager for food the past few days. This is something very new and very exciting. Brody is also starting to become mobile - army crawling and rolling around everywhere. He'll make you dizzy! It is so cute and also so encouraging to see him progressing. He has been in physical therapy for a few months now and the therapist is quite impressed with his improvement.

...I'm often reminded that life is sometimes 2 steps forward, 1 step back. *sigh*

In other news, I now have a 3 year old! Ryder, he is something else. I honestly cannot say enough about how funny this kid is. He is curious, cuddly, and all around BOY. Seriously. I don't even know what to write because my mind is just flooded with things he's done and said and I want to write it all down so I don't forget but there is just sooo much! kid is just the best kid, all around, hands down. I'll leave it at that.  Anyways, with Christmas, the sickies, and everything else going on I almost forgot to plan his birthday party.

But that's our little secret ;)

With mommy brain in full gear, we celebrated in style at Chick-Fil-A in Monroe. They were excellent and took care of us from start to finish. I highly recommend having your kid's party there, especially if you don't have time to plan anything more than the time & date.  He enjoyed it and it was fun to watch him interacting with all his friends from school, and his cousins.  ...He is currently obsessed with tools, trucks, cars, trains, guns, knives (Lord, help), Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and loves to watch Curious George and Max & Ruby. If you spend more than 5 minutes with him, he'll probably ask you why you have bones and who makes the sun come up, even though I've answered these very questions hundreds of times. He also likes to hunt for bears, deer, and wolves...they are everywhere!! He takes pride in working with his daddy and is the only person who can make Brody laugh instantly, no matter what.

Adam and I have both been crazy busy. And if we're not busy we're crazy tired. I look forward to things slowing down a bit and maybe going on a date or two with my husband. When you have someone babysit your child all day, every day while at work, it's kind of hard to find a babysitter on a Friday or Saturday's also hard to not feel an enormous amount of guilt when you choose not to spend every waking second with them when nights and weekends are all you have. I know one day I will miss my kids, annoy my husband because we're always together, and look back at this and laugh.

And now I am reminded I must start to plan a FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! lol. Sometimes I feel like I'm just trying to stay afloat. :)

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