Friday, March 15, 2013

Brody bear is ONE!

Well, it's official. My baby is the big 1.

We had a small gathering of family and friends at our house this past Sunday and what a beautiful day for a party it turned out to be! I could NOT have asked for better weather. And since Brody is nothing short of an All-Star...and since he finished his rookie year (I'm a dork, I know)...we went all out baseball style. We served hot dogs, and had some other concession stand food & drinks to round out the menu.

Need some peanuts and cracker jacks? I've got plenty.

(but who cares, no big deal, I want moooooore! ...yes, I now have these two songs stuck in my head. You too? you're welcome!)

We didn't have the grand "welcome home" party that I initially hoped to have when Brody left the NICU so it was nice to have people over and celebrate his birthday.  It was also really nice to get outside and take advantage of our porch, deck, trampoline(s), play ground, etc. after this long, wet winter we've had.

Did I mention the weather was gorgeous?

Of course our weekend wouldn't be complete without some sort of emergency. Big brother proved he doesn't let other people hog all the attention and decided to knock out another tooth. If you saw the picture Adam posted on facebook you know it had to have hurt. Ouch. I hurt just thinking about it. He actually didn't knock it all the way out, but just knocked it back to where the root was exposed and he couldn't close his mouth. The dentist took one quick look and said, "it's got to come out." Ugh. Anyways, he was a trooper and holds no hard feelings towards the dentist. And what's funny, Ryder's losing teeth and Brody's getting teeth. Brody's first tooth erupted on Feb. 27th and he got his second tooth on his birthday, March 11th.

Their smiles still melt my heart, with or without teeth.

In other exciting, or not so exciting news, I turn the big 3-0 this coming Monday. This is where I start pondering the whole concept of time and realize I really have no grasp on it. Wasn't I just starting college, wondering what the heck I was going to do with my life, and acting a fool? When the heck did I become a 30 year old wife and mother of two with a full time job?  Jeeze.

Speaking of, I cleaned out some of my junk from my mom's house just recently and found some amazing things that brought me back to my childhood. Stephanie, remember these??

The 80's were awesome. And that's all I have to say about that.

Anyways. I am so excited that my brothers and their families, as well as my grandmother, are all coming down to visit soon. I cannot wait to see everyone. Everyone's a little happier when the boys are around. ;)

And now I leave you with a rare family photo because I have slacked off and shamefully hardly ever take real (as in not from my iphone) pictures anymore.
