Monday, December 31, 2012


WOW. Is it really December 31, 2012?
I realize it has been 6 months since my last post and I feel like such a failure! I promised myself if I was going to write a blog that I was going to keep at it and not get this far behind! Oh man...what have I done?! LOL. I could try and get everyone up to speed with where Brody's at but 6 months is a lot to write about. So, I'd like to take this time and opportunity to reflect back on the past year. Makes sense, right?

January started the year started off with a bang as we learned about Brody. I am thankful that I was able to grieve before the birth of my sweet baby, even though it made for a difficult pregnancy. And although I couldn't fully know what was to come at least I was prepared so it didn't come as a shock when I was left all alone, with empty arms, in a hospital room that was once filled with doctors and nurses immediately after giving birth.

February was filled with non-stress tests, bio physical profiles and ultrasounds. I learned to trust as God does not make mistakes. God created this perfect baby for our family. I admit, I did cry a few times feeling like I was robbed of a perfect pregnancy and a perfect baby. I had no idea that I was just defining the word "perfect" incorrectly.

In March we welcomed sweet Brody. Adam and I grew a lot during this time. Basically, March, April, and May were all about finding the delicate balance it took to spend time with Brody, with Ryder, and with each other. I have never so desperately wanted to just have my family together for one day. One hour. One minute. Brody needed a lot of machines and medications just to keep him alive and if Adam and I weren't at the hospital we were calling and speaking to his doctors and nurses.

I learned how to change a diaper with all sorts of wires and tubes in the way. I learned how to take his vitals, place a feeding tube, and give a shot. I knew how to read his monitors and which wires were safe to unplug to pick him up. Day after day I left him in the care of the hospital only to go home empty handed. It wasn't easy trying to explain to a 2 year old about his little brother, whom he had never met but somehow I believe Ryder got it. He has a love for Brody that is beyond words. They have such a special bond and it's so amazing to witness.

Brody surprised everybody and came off dialysis after just 6 weeks! He eventually got weaned off the oxygen and has been breathing completely unassisted since the end of April. Both of which I am so beyond thankful for. Every day with out dialysis is a miracle and I continue to ask God to bless us and keep him off of dialysis until he can get a transplant. His doctor even talked to us several times about a trach and that he may never breath on his own. I love how my little boy has proven doctors wrong time and time again. :)

Our family was finally together for the first time at the end of May. I will never forget the look on Ryder's face when he came running down the sidewalk to see his little brother.

Brody was hospitalized in June and twice in July for infections. He got rid of his feeding tube mid-July and we had the Brody Johnson Benefit to raise money for his medical expenses. I cannot say thank you enough to everybody who had a hand in putting together that benefit. It was amazing. Thank you to those that came and supported us. Thank you to those that could not be there but prayed for us. Thank you. I had to take a lot of unpaid time from work and God has provided for our every need.

Brody had his 7th surgery in August and a nephrostomy bag was put in place. It is cumbersome to say the least but we are learning to live with it.

September and October were low key. Just a LOT of doctor appointments and blood testing. Through it all I still have the happiest baby in the whole world. The ultimate challenge of these two months were simply trying to get Brody to gain weight. We took a weekend trip to Nashville for a wedding and of course had to make a trip to the ER there too. But this time it was for Ryder. Not 30 minutes after arriving at the hotel he knocked out his front tooth! He might be the most accident prone child ever. The highlight of the year however (second to Brody being born, of course) is that Ryder is finally diaper free!  Hallelujah!! :) 

I started back to work mid-November which comes as a huge blessing. It means Brody is well enough that I can return to work. Brody also started physical therapy through Babies Can't Wait. He was evaluated and found to have "mild delays" and I can really tell the therapy is helping. I can't say enough good things about Babies Can't Wait.

Brody had his latest surgery at the beginning of December and has continued to pack on the pounds. He is in the less than 2 percentile for both height and weight but his doctor is happy with his own growth curve. He is currently around the 14 pound mark and can sit up on his own pretty well. He's finally starting to bear weight on his feet too. He has a contagious, heart-melting smile and loves the sound of his own voice. Oh, and Ryder chipped his other front tooth. ;)

Eight surgeries, 2 blood transfusions, hundreds of blood tests, ultrasounds, x-rays and doctor appointments, I'm happy 2012 is coming to a close. I'm looking forward to 2013, knowing it's going to be a crazy ride, because God is good all the time. He has gotten us through this year, making each one of us stronger, and I know he will take care of us through it all. Ryder and Brody are the best boys any mother could ask for. I thank God every day for both of them. I know they will both continue to surprise and amaze me.  Adam has stuck by my side, even during my darkest days, and I hope we can take more time for ourselves this coming year. A few more date nights maybe. I'm hoping Brody gets his transplant in early 2013 and I'm hoping Ryder doesn't hurt himself too bad!

I feel the need to write out my new years resolutions too. Maybe this will help me stick with them??  So here they are in no particular order:
1. Be kind, especially to my incorrigible, yet adorable, 3 year old.
2. Spend more time with Adam. (we will celebrate our 5 year anniv. in June)
3. Use my CFA coupons (haha)
4. Drink more water, take the stairs, and eat breakfast.
5. Run ...{shutter}
...I'm sure I'll come up with more, as I always do.

So here's to a wonderful 2013!

...Peace out '12.